Friday, January 09, 2004

Looking good, "G"
Well I blog here today as a happy G-class driver in Ontario. Yay for Morningside, little traffic, snow as an excuse to go really slowly and most importantly, the lack of need for me to demonstrate a parallel park. ^_^ Once again though (like on my G1 exit test) I was marked down for driving too slowly, and I still don't really know why. Am I supposed to remain EXACTLY at 60 km/h if that's the maximum? I assumed that 50-55 km/h would cut it; I was even going too fast through a school zone (I was at 40-45 km/h). Well I should stop complaining - I passed. It's a good thing I had some energy this time around (as opposed to the last time I took this test during finals last year - idiot). I had gone to sleep early the night before at around 9 pm, thinking that I could get up at 9 in the morning feeling refreshed. What happened instead? I woke up at 5 am and ended up playing Warcraft III for 2.5 hours... but like I said, I should stop complaining. =P

On the poor side of things though, because of the road examination, I was unable to attend my new British history course that I start this term. That's the SECOND one I've missed this week - after one week of school, I have yet to even know what my professor looks like. I don't think I've ever been so annoyed at having to miss class before. At least I've been told that the course content seems to be better (if you trust the likes of crazy slacker people like Bao).

Anyway as you can tell by the time I'm slowly reverting back to my horrible winter break sleeping habits... which must stop now. I'm out.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

New Year, Same Courses
My first day back at U and so far so good. My schedule barely changed at all and might even be exactly the same depending on which tutorial I get for my new British History class. I've also resumed workout with Wilmer (I like alliteration although that has) a.k.a. Polish Combat Training after over a month away from it. Based on my pitiful performance today, I think I actually got weaker and lost what little I had gained during October and November. *sigh* I guess no one ever said it was easy... (aside: What song is that line from? It's so familiar but I just can't think of it - I hate it when this happens)

The commute today was fun! But I say that only because I still had the car... which I have to return tomorrow. At least I get to drive down to Fairview for one more day before the suckage of GO/TTC transit reenters my life. Speaking of suckage, I still have to write that NAMUN summary paper that I was supposed to do during the break. Damn the short-lived benefits of procrastination.

Friday, January 02, 2004

Testing testing... is this thing still on?
Hello? Yes, I think I should start getting out of my holiday/break mode and resuming my erratic blogging (as opposed to the NO blogging these past 30 days). So consider the end of my Christmas break from blogger.

I hope you all had a crazy Christmas and an awesome New Year's - Raymond probably got drunk somewhere in Toronto (and therefore fell asleep somewhere).

Anyway, aside from this day being exactly a month from my last post, it is also another special day.

Happy Birthday Joyce! ^__^