Saturday, January 25, 2003

Finally! Alone down at the res!!! Free to mess up/steal/ruin/plunder/pillage/burninate Raymond's side of the room! (if you have ideas on what I should do, e-mail me!) Learned several things today: a) Wayne's insistance that we install and play Neverwinter Nights co-op here is going to fail both Raymond and I this semester, b) Wayne is a terrible game-master. He screwed up 2 different scenarios, first by having a dragon eat the main quest character and then trying to pass off a prostitute as a replacement (and when that failed he tried 4 prostitutes). Next he more or less ruined the entire town by summoning hordes of monsters and trying to kill them with mass-destruction spells which ended up killing the citizens. Imagine how you would like it if you were hit by a fireball! It would be "so hot, it burns me!" (the first commercial)

The sad part was that Wayne was enjoying his little power trip. *shakes his head* Always doomed to ruin everything Wayne, you terrible man.

All this talk of playing god brings me to another point. I'll post it later when I'm not so lazy.

Friday, January 24, 2003

Well its the begining of the weekend and its time to part... well, work mostly. I've put off so much because of being sick.

Plan for weekend: Stay in room and do productive things
What will probably happen: Stay in room and sleep

Being sick is annoying as I'm constantly fatigued. I can get up in the morning, eat breakfast, read for 30 minutes, and then be able to go back to sleep again for another hour at least. Yesterday I got at least 12 hours of sleep in total. Bah - unfortunately I can't just sleep for a living... damn that would be a "dream" job.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Hmm, these blogging times just keep getting later and later...

Well, went over to a friend's place after Psychology today - to get notes. It seems like that's what I'll be doing a lot of in the next little period. I guess that's what I get for being sick for so long. I'm actually still sick; I'm out of cough medicine too. Yesterday in Econ class, that become glaringly obvious as the people in front of me started to turn around and look at me when I coughed. I don't know if they pitied me or if they just wanted me to die faster. Like a good noble man, I left mid-way through the lecture so as not to further disturb the focus and concentration of other budding economists (lol), and decided to just get the notes later (ie. tonight). Well, enough is more missing classes for sickness. Its not like I have great choices though. I could sit through boring lectures getting the notes coughing and feeling lightheaded or I could find people and hunt down missed notes while coughing and feeling lightheaded. OR, I could just sleep in each day trying to get better sooner and not bother with the notes hoping that it won't be important material that I'm missing. *sigh* It's like a lose--lose-more--lose-like-you've-never-lost-before situation. Bah, someone just BURNiNATE me. And give me a Kleenex while you're at it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

I have learned my lesson. Never again shall I assume anything on my computer is safe. *points at the edited blog entry prior to this one* Some people really go too far to make themselves acceptable - you still never be a hero, Gway! Never! My login/password will also never be automatically stored again... as you can see, terrible things happen when I try to make things a tad more convenient for myself. No matter what you say or do, "Garway" is still for "sucks".

I've included a little link on the side so y'all can see the kind of stuff they feed us here. The underlined items are vegetarian, ie, the things that I eat. I've managed to survive so far and I'll probably make it to the end of the year. I know the dishes don't sound that bad, but you have to always think "LOW QUALITY, HIGH QUANTITY" when you are reading the menu. For instance, look up what was available for lunch today. The veggie burger might seem like an item that I would enjoy; I certainly buy a lot of those when I am at home. However, you mustn't think "yummy good tasting high-protein meatless burger patty". Indeed, the burgers here makes fast-food veggie burgers, including Burger King, seem like food fit for kings. Instead of a soy patty, you get what looks like peas, corn, onion, and other miscellaneous plant-derived items after they have been crushed, mashed, mixed, and poked at by overweight factory workers (not overweight from eating this crap). Of course to deceive you, the resulting product is shaped in such a way that you might actually think that it was a decent veggie burger. I assure you, it is like eating rock - I did have it for lunch afterall.

We always try to make the best of things, but when is it time to let go?

Monday, January 20, 2003

Bah, its Monday morning and I'm STILL feeling pretty bad. I'm supposed to feel much better. Argh! The question becomes whether I feel well enough to go to class. *sigh* I hate going to class sick; I did it a couple times last week and the lightheadedness combined with being sleepy did not help. At some point it was as if the professor was talking like the teacher in Charlie Brown, "Waa Waa Waa Wa Waa". Well, that's what ended up in my notes anyway.

I played a couple games of Quake II last night before bed. I've been playing a little the past few days. I'm still decent even though I haven't really played the game in almost 4 years. There are so many memories from the old days - for example: a) Bullseye is an annoying sUPAHSTAH b) I hate Campers, c) FFA is where Campers thrive, d) People know the Edge (q2dm1) far too well - people like The HERO OF THE DAY.. wait make that CENTURY!, e) Tokay's Towers (q2dm2) is still the worst deathmatch level ever, f) The Menace is a very COOL man, f) It feels really good to win map after map, g) "garway" is for "super"

Strong Bad E-Mail is by far the funniest original site I have seen on the Internet thus far. Go to it! Go now!
Bah, for some reason or another - here I am blogging again. I don't know why I'm doing this but it probably has something to do with my friends here nagging me. It probably some kind of bandwagon thing. Damn them.

Nothing much has been going on. I've been annoying sick for over a week now. I'm the kind of person that doesn't get sick easily but when I do its always really bad. Of course my caring roommate has kept me going. He tells me to die faster every night; I keeping getting up in the morning to spite him. How we have survived so long together? No one knows...

I spent a bit of time with an old friend (since grade 4) this weekend. He's been sorta of aloof first term even though he's practically on campus with me but I'm glad we're working around that now. Hopefully we'll do something crazy soon, just like old times. =)