Friday, April 25, 2003

66 bottles of beer on the wall under the sink, 66 bottles of beer!
Underneath our sink, something had been building upover the course of the year, growing larger and larger - we had to do something. Our suitemate Danielle's collection of beer had been slowly building up ever since whenever the heck the last time she took the time to take care of it herself (I'm not sure that's ever happened actually). Molson, Budweiser, Labatt, MGD - we had it all. Raymond and I had been wondering for a while whether we should get rid of them oursleves; the deciding factor in the end was that we were really getting poor. I mean, who can really pass up a $0.10/bottle trade when a) we are under such economic stress b) the bottles aren't even ours! After much delay and many attempts to break away from ICQ conversations, we embarked upon our little adventure.

We quickly realised, as we were waiting for the elevator, that carrying 66 bottles of beer is no easy task. With the general opinion of "BOTTLES ARE STUPID! I HATE CARRYING FREAKING BOTTLES!!! DIE BOTTLES DIE! (YEARGGHGHHHH)" being formed, we strengthed our will and continued. Unfortunately, our musclar strength was not on par with that of our determination - our arms were really begining to hurt by the time we made it to the front of our building but knowing that we had to do this, we decided to take a break every block to make it bearable. And so our journey commenced... (each point represents a break we took)

RJ (Every journey has its first step...)
--> Bay St.(Green light = short short break)
--> Yonge St. ("We'll switch later, okay Font?" "uhh... sure...")

--> St Mary St. ("Hey *grunt* how many bottles are you carrying anyway Font?")
--> Irwin Ave. ("Stop making racist comments Ray!" "What? It's true! Freakin' white people always boozing it up!")
--> St Joseph St. ("Maybe we could give these bottles to that homeless person Ray..." "Yeah right and CRAP!!!" "What?" "Well, 65 bottles now." "You idiot.")
--> Wellesley St. ("Are you sure its this way Font?" "Yes?")
--> LCBO ("I'm sorry, but we do not accept bottles for refund. You'll have to take them to The Beer Store." "I see. Where's the closest one?" "Oh, it's not too far. It's just another block east." *groans*)

--> Switch of bottles ("Your load was so light Font! Freakin'!!!! I could carry this all day, damn you.")
--> Halfway to Church St. ("AHHH... Ray I feel like I'm going to die." "So how do you like it, eh?")
--> Church St. ("I don't see any Beer Stores, Ray." "If that guy told us the wrong information I'll give HIM what's for!!! With beer bottles!!!")

--> Break while I was looking for the store ("Hey I think I see it Ray." "Good. How much are we getting again for these bottles? $6.60?" "No, you broke a bottle remember" "Yeah...")
--> The Beer Store ("You got the money Font?" "Yup, six fifty. Ohh bay-bee! Ohhhhh bay-bee!!" "Stop that.")

(On the way to the Eaton Centre)
F: I can't feel my shoulders.
R: You know it wasn't that bad Font. We basically made minimum wage in 30 minutes.
F: You know those also weren't our bottles.
R: Ah true, but its our money now.
F: *sighs* What has university turned us into...
R: Thieves?
F: *stops and gives a look* *continues walking* I can't feel my shoulders.

So we took our hard earned money and spent it at the Eaton Centre (another healthy walk albeit without the fun of beer bottles) buying two 1L bottles of Life-brand carbonated flavoured water and two apple pies from McDonalds. All that for a little measly back-breaking, painful manual labour; we cleared the under-sink space too! And people say we don't do any work around here...

Monday, April 21, 2003

1 down, 4 left - w00t!
The psychology textbook will never have to be opened again. It has finally seen its last days of infringing in my time. Farewell Psychology 100. You came, you saw, and you probably even conquered, but who is the greater man for it now?!? Probably you. *sigh* Dammit Professor Wall you win again, but at least this was the final time. Now to start the day of COWBOY BEBOP! Come one, come all. Non-stop showing of all 26 episodes starting after the Leafs game tonight. Popcorn included. =)

(read the angry man's blog for his rage-filled take on this day of reckoning)

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

The Egg and I
Last night, my suitemate Courtney was bored. Naturally despite me having to do studying for evil murderous vile Psychology, I went against my better judgement and allowed myself to be dragged out into the streets of Toronto. Now, it would have been nice if we had a purpose but no, Courtney a.k.a. the "Boulder" obviously had no inkling as to what we were trying to accomplish by running around. After much complaining on my part, we decided to go into Shoppers and just see what would be interesting to do. Courtney spotted an easter-egg making kit and the rest, as they say, was history.

Well at least its history if you come into the living room of RJ420 and notice the multi-coloured eggs sitting on our window sill. I don't know what made me agree with her on buying the barnyard animal themed kit because I think it looks ridiculous now. How are coloured eggs (rainbow coloured in some instances) with pieces of paper struck to them supposed to look good anyway? On a side note, to clear any innuendos that might have been suggested in the comments of any previous posts, these were the "fine" eggs I were refering to (so stop harassing me Court!).

Yes, nasty business it was; I managed to clear myself of any painting duties (leaving it to the girls of the suite excluding Rayray) However, I was stuck doing the majority of the egg-blowing (you know, when you have to poke 2 opposite holes in the egg and blow out the inside). I suppose that's fair enough considering that I did end up eating the many omlettes that followed (except for those that I cooked as a late-night supper for other *cough*Lawrence*cough* people). I didn't get the mushrooms in time for them though. =/ I suppose cheddar, onion, and peppers did do the trick.

Anyhow if you see Courtney, be sure to compliment her on her nice eggs. And stop by for some late-night food; RH420's late-night diner is open from now until the end of this semester. *grin* Back to PSY study I suppose for now... so much to know. So little that I know. Crap.

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Crazy Late Night Antics IV

Time: 2:17 a.m.
Place: RJ420

R: Time to throw some clothes on!
F: *turns over to look, a little afraid to find a naked Raymond*
R: *picks up a huge pile of laundry and throws it on himself*
F: You're crazy.
R: Hmm... *starts hitting the wall with his palm really hard*
F: Wha...?
R: *stops* Ah, I think I heard something crack.
F: I wish I had a camera.
R: *rubs his hand* I love exam period.
F: *pauses* Yeah.

I really do love exam period. Nothing makes any sense, esp. around here. Raymond really has to stop beating people up... Then again, when you consider the stupidity of these people that meet his fist...

F: *starts typing things*
Lawrence: *reading over my shoulder as I type* You're going to post this on your blop?
R: Did just say blop? Your face is a blop!
Law: What? No it's blob isn't it? B-L-O-B.
R: BLOB?!? *falls off chair laughing*
F: *snickers* So stupid...
Law: You guys are idiots.

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Class in, Class out
Yay, finally all done! No more classes! Well actually I was finished on Wednesday but classes officially ended at U of T yesterday (Friday). A great feeling to be free... at least until exams find me and devour me.

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Another job well done?
No, I didn't just complete a fantastic project or write an amazing paper; tonight's work called for a different kind of diligence and clear-thinking.

Name of operation: Tartu Evac
Date of action: Thursday April 10, 2003
Time of action: 1:30 a.m. to 3:45 a.m.
Location: the streets of Toronto
Objective: Move Chris Wilmer's from Tartu Residences (Spadina Road and Bloor Road) to Hotel RJ420.
Details: Wilmer's clock has finally run out, he can't keep hiding any longer. Due to lack of payment, Tartu Residences is finally pulling the plug on the Polish Man and forcing him out on the streets (where he arguably belongs). Naturally, he has asked for temporarily room and board at none other than Hotel RJ420 (we treat j00 right!). However, things were not that simple; the fates themselves sided against Wilmer as on the day before the operation, team transport Black Beauty (Wilmer's ancient Ford Tempo) experienced a flat tire. This meant that without vehicle-support, this meant we had get the job done the hard way.

This forementioned task involved relocating all items, including several pots and pans of different sizes, garbages full of clothing, a electic blender, a deep fryer, a box of cutting knives, utensils, 2 glasses, 2 mugs, 2 large containers of strength vitamins, a pleather computer roller chair, a case of bottled water, lots of food (including a bag of onions, many bottles of sauces, 3 bags of frozen ravioli, vegetable oil, container of garlic, toilet paper, vermicelli pasta, countless binders and books and random papers, shoe cleaners and polishers, a humidifier, 2 4L bottles of water, 2 boxes of stuff, and lots of other miscillaneous junk. All this had to be moved across Bloor St, from Spadina Avenue to Avenue Road with only the use of a shopping cart (borrowed from a friend who "liberated" it from Dominon's) in a single trip.

Of course Wilmer's great ingenuity led us to make our work easier; we used the chair as a makeshift transport, loading it up with as much was possible. The end result? 3 19-20 year olds (Wilmer's girlfriend helped) carrying bags of stuff, wheeling a chair loaded with goods, and pushing a shopping cart full of items across Bloor St. in the middle of the night. It worked out well but there were a few casaulties; one of the five plastic wheels on the chair did not make it, as well as a bottle of water (which was consumed quickly so as to lighten the load). There is also now a large puddle of used vegetable oil somewhere on the northern sidewalk on Bloor, future ops planners should take note. The troops were very glad when they made to the haven that is known as RJ420, as they collapsed to the ground with their stinky, sweaty, and sore bodies. There was no doubt that we would eventually succeed, afterall a man's life was a stake tonight. We were only fortunate that losses were so minor. Things here are a little messier now but at least we brought our boy home. It was an excellent team effort. Mission accomplished.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Never say never
Last Saturday I was pretty nervous walking to the Athletic Centre. After dragonboat pool practice, the final team roster was supposed to be announced... well, I guess they must have had a couple tough decisions to make because they postponed the team announcements until next Saturday. Next "Saturday after practice" became "next Sunday in an e-mail" and so last night (Sunday) got an e-mail with subject heading, "ViCrew 2003". My name wasn't included in that e-mail. *sigh* Cut.

After thinking about it and then thinking some more, I guess I can come to an understanding with the decision. In the end its not really why I didn't make the team that bugs me, it's why some of the other people did make it that annoys me. But I guess that's a very petty and useless train of thought, as well as being just a human response to failure. Bah. I'm happy for my friends Chris and Wayne that made the Victoria College and University College teams respectively though. I wouldn't know who to cheer for though. In the end, I might just cheer for the Engineering team that my dormmate and I may end up joining (or try to join anyway). And there's always next year. Either way, its not over for me yet.

Dragonboat did lots of good for me anyway; it has helped me get more in shape, as well as get me used to a regular training schedule. I've also met several cool people whom I hope to be cheering on in the near future. Best of luck Dragonboaters.

Friday, April 04, 2003

Keeping the world a cleaner place
The most demanded request made to my roommate Raymond by others, not including the impossible request for less obesity, is probably that he shave. And if you know him or have ever seen a picture of the guy, you'd know what I mean. Well today, Garway and I took it upon ourselves to do the filthy man (and the world) a favour.

He was actually planning to go to a banquet at night having not shaved in who knows how long. Weeks? In any case to put it concisely in the words of an unbiased observer: "He's mad ugly!" And in case anyone disputes the impartialness of the previous person, I questioned someone who we have met only this year. Lawrence Wong says: "I have never seen an uglier man in my life." It cannot be denied, all evidence points towards the ugly truth. And so in order to protect his image (and our reputations of being his friends), we decided on a course of action. After we tackled him, Garway held him down while I approached with an electric shaver turned on and ready to go. With the shaver a several inches from his face, I guess the message must have gotten to him that he indeed needed to take care of his personal hygiene like any other person. The ugly bear grabbed the shaver and grumbled his way to the washroom, coming out with quite a bit less facial hair.

Good thing he did it too, I'm not sure if I would have actually done it - I don't know when he last showered.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Come one, come all
Gah, people are over as usual. Only this time it isn't the usual bozos, Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Naturally with friends here at RJ when they want to make some noise they come to (Hotel) RJ420. Meanwhile, I'm trying to do an essay here. I think I'm the only person who still has non-final exam stuff to worry about. That really sucks. (well roommate Courtney still has an essay and presentation or something but considering she usually sleeps at 11 p.m. I think this staying up will do her a little good) Here's a rundown of what was happening here not more than 30 minutes ago. (mental image mode) >>>|| Raymond lying on a bed resting while insulting people. Lawrence constantly assaulting him for nearly 40 minutes using weapons such as toilet paper rolls, his feet, and his ass. Sing, when not playing the violin, is subtlely attacking Raymond's ass (which according to him is very important part of his being) with a clipboard. ||<<< Yes, I would agree with some people that there are problems in the world, but there are also problems right here at RJ420! *sigh* I need more caffeine.

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

So what do you think?
"I don't know" is such an annoying answer to receive, especially when you know that it's probably the truth. Is it just me or are telephones just less effective these days? I just can't seem to communicate with them anymore. What gives? I think I've realised what's pathetic about patient optimistic people; they don't ever DO anything. I hate myself. I should really be going to class rather than blogging right now. Damn it all. *sigh*
I can't hear the music anymore
Ever look out the window and see a bleak dead world? Ever feel cold inside, like your heart is clenching up? Ever try to reach out, but realise there's nothing for you? Ever listen to the beeping of a busy tone until it was no more?

I thought I had finally found a path to walk on, but I realise now that I have yet to take my first step.
I still want what I wanted before.

To offset my rather down mood today, here's something silly, appropriate for you (April) fools.