Monday, November 24, 2003

I can see the end, there's just no way to get there
Yay, as of now I have no more essays to write for 2003... 2 tests and an exam left over the next 2 weeks. ^.^ Hmm... I'm not sure whether I want time to hurry up or slow down. Argh!

Hmm... the only goal I have for this Christmas is to catch up on a lot of reading in this order:
Harry Potter series (1 book)
Star Wars: New Jedi Order series (5 or 6 books)
Stephen King Gunslinger series (2 books?)

Oh and there some NAMUN thingy I have to do, but I'll find out more about that later...

Man what am I doing thinking of vacation already? These are going to be a gruelling last 2 weeks. Oy.

Monday, November 17, 2003

No Free Lunch
But I did get a free dinner yesterday! There's this pizza stand/shop (they mostly only sell slices so I like to think of it as a stand) at Union Station called "Pizza 2 Go" that I sometimes get a meal from every now and then. ($3.50 for 2 slices and a pop - and yes I know that some people think that the slices aren't that big even though they are rather decent - is a good deal) Well they were just closing up yesterday when I got there so I asked the guy who was locking up the store if there was even a single slice left that I could buy. He put a bulging pizza slice bag in my hand and then walked away explaining that he didn't want them - they were the ones that didn't sell but its still good, right? *grin* I'm guessing that anyone that works there is probably sick of pizza... which is good because it means 6 free slices for me!

On a food related note, do NOT eat any cake made by the MDHS Classics Club - nothing has changed... they still suck at baking. I foolishly had a rather large slice on Friday during the Certamen celebration party (Go Markham for taking 1st in the Senior and Intermediate divisions!) at the insistance of a certain McLaren and had to rince my mouth several several times with water when I tasted cologne! That's right, cologne in my cake! Disgusting - it was burning, bitter and very manly at the same time. Not only that, but there was almost half an inch of icing on that cake seeing as apparantly 2kg of sugar had been used. When will those guys learn? (for those of you that think that the idea of 2kg of icing is genious, you've led a horrifying life)

Thus in conclusion, food makes fetties happy. (I'm not even going to link, you know who you are)

Saturday, November 15, 2003

Return of the King... err... phone!
That's right, I finally have my cell phone fully operational. It's the old cell number (the one that's NOT 647.388.2752) so you can reach me there once again. Now that it's no longer an excuse that you are not able to reach me when its movie time, you guys better call! =P

And on the note of movies - yes my segues are awesome - go watch Return of the King when its released in theatres December 17th! I know I will...

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Too much sleep?
Dare I say it, I think've slept too much today- my head is somewhat spinning after taking nap after nap. *sighs* I can't even use THAT excuse not to do work anymore. Bleh.

Yesterday I went downtown to use the gym. Its funny how something that was supposed to only take 2-3 hours ended up being a day even with me catching the 9:10 p.m. GO bus at Union. Too many distractions (including Mech Assault and the Eng Sci common room in general). I've really got to stop going there...

Oh yeah, and I got to wake Chien up at insanely early hours! (although I apologize for waking up his roommate) Take that, you slacker! If I've gotten up and commuted downtown by 11:00 pm, you have no excuse! *cackles gleefully*

Anyway, that's enough blogging for now. I really only wanted to add a link to my site but I guess a short post never caused any pain.